I have come across some really thought-provoking, inspiring, and convicting Christian writing (and video) on the Web lately and wanted to share it with you.
* Jon Acuff (of Stuff Christians Like) on the movie Man on Fire: I watched this movie quite a while ago, and it touched me. Jon draws a parallel between the love of Creasy (Denzel Washington's character) for Pita (played by Dakota Fanning) and Christ's love for us. It's a unique perspective on the film and provides another way for us to try and understand the mind-boggling awesomeness of God and His Son. Check it out!
* Tim Sweetman (of Boundless webzine) on God and Facebook: Just really convicting.
* Does Satan exist? Watch Pastor Mark Driscoll's ABC Nightline debate about this by clicking here.
* Candice Barnard (my cousin-in-law) and Zane & Tara Porter (friends from high school) on change and trusting in God: I was devastated to read about Candice's recent loss but have been inspired by the strengh of her faith and her willingness to share it. It's amazing how God is able to use even the saddest of circumstances to ultimately bring glory to Himself. Zane and Tara have been attending seminary in preparation to become Bible translators for Wycliffe, and they, too, have encountered challenges and changes in plans along the way. These brothers and sisters in Christ remind us that God is in control, and we just need to trust in Him to direct our steps.
Happy reading!
~ Christina