Monday, June 30, 2008

My running odyssey: What I've learned so far

In the spirit of being healthier, I've been running for over a week now, and this is what I've observed so far:

1. The shoes matter. Fashion aside, today's running shoes are equipped with functional features like mesh to encourage air flow and special structuring that prevents overpronation.

2. No matter what happens, stopping is not an option. It's too tough to get going again! (So even if Aaron trips and falls behind me-- yeah, I have to keep going.)

3. Music, especially the kind with strong beats, is incredibly helpful with breathing rhythms.

4. Chewing gum can curb "dry mouth."

5. Water can be a suitable substitute for sweat.

6. Dogs make great running partners when they've been leash-trained.

7. Never underestimate the importance of distraction.

8. Goals should be set high. I'm always able to make it further than I thought I could.

9. Having to run in wind and rain is actually easier than skipping a day of running.

10. (Route) variety is the spice of life.


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