Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Best Recipe Web Sites for Foodies

While I'm hesitant to reveal my cooking secrets (hey, I need all the help I can get!), I have found two recipe Web sites that are just too wonderful to keep to myself. AllRecipes.com and Recipezaar are recipe sharing Web sites that allow users to rate and comment on recipes. That means that if a recipe needs more salt, or a cheaper cut of meat can be successfully substituted, you don't have to go through the grief of discovering that on your own.

I've become so infatuated with these Web sites that I hardly use tangible cookbooks anymore. I've created a bookmark file labeled "Recipes" (within which are subfiles of food categories, like "meat" and "desserts") that I use for saving all my great finds, and I just skim through it when I'm planning meals each week (after, of course, skimming the supermarket sale ads!).

Other Web sites that are really cool include:
* Copy Kat Recipes: My sister-in-law Denise shared this one with me. It contains recipes for recreating restaurant favorites such as Red Lobster's biscuits and PF Chang's lettuce wraps.
* Food Network: I watch the Food Network all the time, and I love that I can go to its Web site to find the recipes I've seen. I've also enrolled for an e-newsletter that gives recipe suggestions for entertaining.

If you use any others I should know about, please share!

Happy eating. :-)


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