Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reasons to Celebrate

I have many reasons to celebrate today:

8. It's Thursday. In other words, it's almost Friday.
7. It's rainy and overcast, which is actually kind of special here in New Mexico
6. It's payday.
5. Max is mellow.
4. Aaron was able to come home for the weekend from his clinical rotation in Deming.
3. Aaron fixed grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup (the perfect warm weather fare) for me for lunch.
2. My new notebook computer just arrived via my favorite carrier, DHL, and it appears to be in one piece.

And the #1 reason I have to celebrate is...

(Insert dramatic pause here to preface nauseatingly sappy moment.)

Today marks three wonderful years of marriage with Aaron.

Happy anniversary, sweetheart! I love you.


Dave said...

Aw, the whole anni thing is cute.

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