When my husband and I were dating, he decided to use a Best Buy gift card from his parents to purchase an upright freezer, and I made fun of him for it. I mean, why would a single guy need that much freezer space? Plus, at the time, my husband lived on the third floor of an apartment building (no joke... getting that unit up the stairs proved to be quite interesting).
Ok, fast forward four years. By now, I've grown used to my husband being right about everything, so I'm not surprised to have to eat my words. We still have that freezer today. It sits quietly in the corner of our garage and gets more use than I ever imagined it would. We're able to save a ton of money by buying in bulk. We usually can't afford to eat steak, for example, but just last week Smith's had a deal on "value packs" of ribeye steak. Thanks to our freezer and the way it allows us to split up and save that value pack, I was able to splurge.
So, if any of you are wondering how to spend your federal tax rebates, help stimulate the economy by purchasing a freezer. With the tough economic times that are probably ahead, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Silo Season 2, episode 9: What is the safeguard?
2 hours ago
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