Today, I came across a
news release announcing Wal-Mart's launch of a video-based "voter guide" through which Obama and McCain will be able to present their platforms to Wal-Mart shoppers and associates. Available on the company's Web site and advertised on its in-store television network, the video program was reportedly designed to "educate... customers and assocates about the upcoming election." Am I the only one who finds this-- I mean, private enterprise getting involved in politics in such a supposedly balanced fashion-- kind of weird? I have to wonder about Wal-Mart's motivation...
Disclaimer: The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent my company's positions, strategies or opinions.
Good point! Wal-mart hurts us more than they really "help" us. At least, coming from a farmers/small business owners' perspective.
Walmart is one of the reasons why I am uncomfortable with our job sometimes, along with the missle companies, the oil companies, the giant banks, etc.
As a person that had to work for that empire in college, they are completely clueless as to how to treat people, and all of their employees are treated as if they are mentally handicapped slave labor.
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