Monday, December 29, 2008

I've been tagged!

Jamie Poore tagged me, so here goes!

1. 8 TV shows I watch: How I Met Your Mother; Grey's Anatomy; Iron Chef America; the Simpsons; The Big Bang Theory; Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives; Paula's Best Dishes; Samantha Brown

2. 8 favorite restaurants: Sadie's, Rudy's BBQ, Tucanos, Weck's (all in Albuquerque); El Charro Cafe, Pat's Drive-In, La Parrilla Suiza, Caruso's (all in Tucson)

3. 8 things that happened today: My alarm went off. I put on a blue argyle sweater. I drove to work in the dark. I ate yogurt for breakfast. I drank decaf chai tea, which I kept hot at my desk with a sweet little gadget that Aaron got me for Christmas. I processed a few news releases. The president of Somalia resigned. An underground explosion knocked out the power in downtown Savannah, Georgia.

4. 8 things I look forward to: Aaron and I being finished with grad school; getting a playmate for Max; owning a home (with a fireplace!); being able to entertain more often; traveling the world with Aaron; spending more time with friends and family; becoming a more confident skier; growing closer to Jesus

5. 8 things I wish for: more patience; more time; to be a better cook; coordination/athletic ability; world peace; salvation for those who don't yet know Christ; to be able to eat whatever I want without gaining weight; a self-cleaning house

I tag:
Candice Barnard
April Barreiro
Greg & Shannon Qualls
Jamie Armer
Cheryl Samaha

Just copy my post, erase my answers and fill in your own. I'm looking forward to learning more about you!


Jamie said...

It would be so cool to have a self cleaning house (or even a free maid!) :) We should go to Weck's sometime soon!

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